Telara art studio specializes in production and replicas of classical and modern sculpture in marble. The Studio was set up on-site in Carrara inside the premises of a Carlo Telara Marble which has been operating
worldwide since 1925 extracting and working marble for use in architecture. A team of highly skilled craftsmen specialized in traditional carving techniques combining expert knowledge of materials and technological know-how, enable the workshop to satisfy any kind of request ensuring total service and reliable support to artists, architects, designers, public and private clients, making each commission unique and exclusive. We offer artists using other materials and media in contemporary art the opportunity to try working with marble, a timeless material
as relevant today as ever. Telara Art Studio is the place to experiment new ideas.
Producing works from artist’s model in original and enlarged sizes
Completion of works from concept and project staff of the artist
- Developing the work from sketches, shaping and moulding clay into a plaster or resin model;
- Direct, constant collaboration with the artist to support successful completion of the work;
- Producing a marble sculpture of the work;
Completion of portraits on commission
- From drawings, photos or other instructional materials that capture the essence of the subject
- Shaping and moulding clay into a plaster or resin model
- Producing a marble sculpture of the work;
We supply cut to size marble blocks.
We offer assistance in delivering and installing works.
We provide accommodation for artists working at our studio.

Maria Teresa Telara, Mauro Tonazzini, Adriano Gerbi.